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Which famous Britsh physicist wrote A Brief History of Time?

Stephen Hawking

At what temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit equal?


What modern-day country was Marie Curie born in?


What name is given for the number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom?

Atomic number

Tags: Periodic Table,

How many vertebrae does the average human possess?


Tags: Human Body,

What was the name of the first man-made satellite launched by the Soviet Union in 1957?

Sputnik 1

Which oath of ethics taken by doctors is named after an Ancient Greek physician?

Hippocratic Oath

What is a material that will not carry an electrical charge called?


Which Apollo moon mission was the first to carry a lunar rover?

Apollo 15

How many teeth does an adult human have?


Tags: Human Body,

What is the study of mushrooms called?


On the periodic table, what symbol stands for silver?


Tags: Periodic Table,

Which two planets in the solar system lack moons?

Mercury and Venus

Tags: Solar System,

In electronics, what does DC stand for?

Direct Current

Tags: Acronyms,

What was the name of the first supersonic passenger airliner?


Tags: Inventions,

What does the term LASER stand for?

Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

Tags: Acronyms,

What is the name of the British computer scientist who invented the World Wide Web in 1989?

Tim Berners-Lee

Tags: Inventions,

In what year was the first transatlantic radio broadcast?


Tags: Inventions,

Which four planets of the Solar System have rings?

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune

Tags: Solar System,

What, after oxygen, is the second most common component of the earth's crust?


What was the name of the spaceship from which the final lunar landing took place and in which year was it?

Apollo 17 in 1972

Someone with anosmia is lacking what?

A sense of smell

Tags: Human Body,

What are the four types of tooth in a human mouth?

Incisor, canine, molar, premolar

Tags: Human Body,

What is the longest (and widest) nerve in the human body, running from the lower back through the buttock into the legs?

Sciatic nerve

Tags: Human Body,

In the famous equation E=mc2, what does c represent?

Speed Of Light Constant (in a vacuum)

Tags: Equations,

Which of Newton's 3 laws of motion is summed up by the statement 'For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.'?

Newton's Third Law

Tags: Equations,

What is the SI unit of measurement of radiation called?

A Becquerel (equal to one disintegration per second)

Tags: Units,

What is the most common blood type worldwide?

O Positive

Tags: Human Body,

Which animal has the highest blood pressure?

The Giraffe

What does the G in 5G stand for?
