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Which element, found very commonly in the human body is the 20th element of the periodic table?


Tags: Periodic Table,

Graphite is a form of what chemical element?


Tags: Periodic Table,

What are the elements on the far right column of the periodic table commonly known as?

Noble gases

Tags: Periodic Table,

Which metal is the main constituent of pewter?

Tin (about 90%)

Tags: Periodic Table,

What is the lightest metal?


Tags: Periodic Table,

What is the heaviest naturally occurring element found on Earth?


heavier elements have only been produced in labs, not in nature

Tags: Periodic Table,

What are the two main elements used to make the metal alloy, Bronze?

Copper and Tin

Tags: Periodic Table,

Hydrogen is number 1 in the periodic table of the elements. What is number 2?


Tags: Periodic Table,

The chemical element fermium (Fm) was named after which physicist?

Enrico Fermi

He was the creator of the worlds first nuclear reactor

Tags: Periodic Table,

The name of which chemical element has a name (not chemical symbol) beginning with the letter K?


Tags: Periodic Table,

Dry ice is a frozen form of which gas?

Carbon Dioxide

Tags: Periodic Table,

Which element in the periodic table has the chemical symbol Ti?


Tags: Periodic Table,

How many noble gasses are there? And can you name them all?

Six. helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe) radon (Rn)

Tags: Periodic Table,

Since 2016, the Periodic Table has how many confirmed elements?


Tags: Periodic Table,

What name is given for the number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom?

Atomic number

Tags: Periodic Table,

On the periodic table, what symbol stands for silver?


Tags: Periodic Table,

7 elements on the period table begin with the letter B. Name as many as you can.

Barium, Berkelium, Beryllium, Bismuth, Bohrium, Boron, Bromine

Tags: Periodic Table,

4 chemical elements begin with the letter I. Name them.

Indium, Iodine, Iridium, and Iron

Tags: Periodic Table,

The chemical symbol Y denotes which uncommon metal?


Tags: Periodic Table,

Zn is the symbol of which chemical element?


Tags: Periodic Table,

Which English chemist discovered the most elements?

Humphry Davy

Tags: Periodic Table,

Who discovered oxygen before Joseph Priestley and chlorine before Humphry Davy, but failed to publish and never got the credit?

Swedish scientist Karl Scheele

Tags: Periodic Table,

It used to be called quicksilver - by what name is this element now known?


Tags: AKA, Periodic Table,

What anomaly connects bromine and mercury?

They are the only elements to take liquid form at ambient temperature

Tags: Periodic Table,
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