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What is the drawback to superconductors that makes them largely unviable for commercial use?

They only operate at extremely cold temperatures

well below even the coldest air temperature

What name is given to the elementary particle believed to have been finally identified at CERN in 2012?

Higgs Boson

Tags: Atoms,

In the classic atom model, do the electrons orbit the nucleus or does the nucleus encase the agitated electrons?

the electrons orbit the nucleus

Tags: Atoms,

Which scientific theory postulates that subatomic particles are tiny one- dimensional loops?

String theory

What is the SI unit of thermodynamic temperature?


Tags: Units,

Rayleigh scattering accounts for which everyday phenomenon?

The blue appearance of the daytime sky and the reddening at night

What name is given to a positively charged electron?


Tags: Atoms,

What is de?ned as mass divided by density?


Tags: Equations,

In which direction would Foucault's pendulum turn if it were erected in Sydney, Australia?


What is measured in Pascals?


defined as Newtons per metre squared

Tags: Units,

An ohm is a unit that measures what?

Electrical resistance

Tags: Units,

In underwater navigation, what does the acronym 'Sonar' stand for?

SOund Navigation And Ranging

Tags: Acronyms,