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How many chambers does the human heart have?


Tags: Human Body,

Where in the human body would the limbic system be found?

The Brain

Tags: Human Body,

Where in the human body are the 'ossicles'?

In the ear

the three bones in the middle ear, more commonly known as the hammer, anvil and stirrup.

Tags: Human Body,

Where in the human body would you find the Scalene muscles?

The Neck

Tags: Human Body,

What is the common affliction, Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia (much) more commonly known as?

Brain Freeze

such as when you eat ice cream too quickly and it gives you a quick headache

Tags: AKA,

The adult human body is made up of how many bones?


Baby's have about 300

Tags: Human Body,

What is the largest artery in the human body?

The Aorta

Tags: Human Body,

Where in the human body are the metatarsal bones found?

The Foot

Tags: Human Body,

Which is the longest bone in the human body?


Tags: Human Body,

How is a 'myocardial infarction' more commonly known?

Heart attack

Tags: Human Body,

4 letters are used to represent genetic codes. What are they?

A, G, C, and T - Adenine (A), Guanine (G), Cytosine (C) and Thymine (T)

How many vertebrae does the average human possess?


Tags: Human Body,

How many teeth does an adult human have?


Tags: Human Body,

Someone with anosmia is lacking what?

A sense of smell

Tags: Human Body,

What are the four types of tooth in a human mouth?

Incisor, canine, molar, premolar

Tags: Human Body,

What is the longest (and widest) nerve in the human body, running from the lower back through the buttock into the legs?

Sciatic nerve

Tags: Human Body,

What is the most common blood type worldwide?

O Positive

Tags: Human Body,

Which side of the brain would be mostly used to evaluate whether a new wardrobe fits into the space available in a bedroom?

Right side

Tags: Human Body,

An absence of the SRY gene means what for a human being?

It means the human is a female

the presence of the sex-determining region Y gene is the specific factor which leads to maleness in mammals

Tags: Human Body,

Which component of the limbic system processes human emotions and memories?


Tags: Human Body,

By what name is N-acetyl-S-methoxy tryptamine better known?


Tags: Human Body,

Carrots are good for your eyesight: true or false?


Carrots are a source of retinal, which help the light absorb light energy, carrots won't make eyesight sharper but it will improve the ocular health

Tags: Human Body,

In which field did Austrian monk Gregor Mendel's study of plants lead to major breakthroughs?

Genetics or heredity

Broca's area in the human brain is responsible for which function?

Speech and articulation

Tags: Human Body,

Before Dolly, the cloned sheep, there were Megan and Morag; in what way was Dolly unique?

She was cloned from an adult cell, whereas Megan and Morag were cloned from embryo cells

Crick and Watson discovered that the DNA molecule was what particular shape?

Double helix

Tags: Inventions,

How many human chromosomes are there?

Forty-six (labelled A-G and then X and Y)

23 pairs of chromosomes

Tags: Human Body,

The stirrup, the smallest bone in humans, is found in which part of the body?

The ear

Tags: Human Body,

True or false - more than a quarter of the bones in the human body are in the hands?


Tags: Human Body,

In which decade was the world's first successful heart transplant carried out?


Tags: Human Body,