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What was the profession of Galina Ulanova, the woman whose photograph the Queen discovers hidden in her husband Philip's briefcase during The Crown?


Tags: The Crown, Netflix, Monarchy,

What annual custom did the Queen adopt after Lord Altrincham urged her to 'modernise' the monarchy in the late 1950s?

The Christmas address

Tags: The Crown, Netflix, Monarchy,

Where did the Duke and Duchess of Windsor visit in 1937, later causing controversy for the royal family?


Tags: The Crown, Netflix, Monarchy,

Name the boarding school where both Prince Philip and later Prince Charles attended?


Tags: The Crown, Netflix, Monarchy,

Name the real-life model who had an affair with the Secretary of State for War, John Profumo?

Christine Keeler

Tags: The Crown, Netflix, Monarchy,

In which African country did the Queen famously dance the foxtrot in 1961?


Tags: The Crown, Netflix, Monarchy,

What year was Prince Edward, the youngest of Queen Elizabeth II's four children, born?


Tags: The Crown, Netflix, Monarchy,

Name all the actors who have played Antony Armstrong-Jones, Earl of Snowdon, over the past three seasons of The Crown?

Matthew Goode (season 2) and Ben Daniels (season 3)

Tags: The Crown, Netflix, Monarchy,

In series three, Queen Elizabeth II visits Winston Churchill on his deathbed. Was this historically accurate?


Tags: The Crown, Netflix, Monarchy,

The Crown series three has been criticised for not featuring Princess Anne's wedding. What was the name of the man she married in 1973?

Captain Mark Phillips

Tags: The Crown, Netflix, Monarchy,

Name the British actress who played Clementine Churchill in The Crown series one?

Harriet Walter

Tags: The Crown, Netflix, Monarchy,

Olivia Colman, who currently plays Queen Elizabeth II, won an Oscar for playing another royal. Name the royal in question?

Anne, Queen of Great Britain

Tags: The Crown, Netflix, Monarchy,

The Crown's first series covers Elizabeth's younger years. From what year in history did The Crown series one cover?

1947 (beginning with Elizabeth's marriage to Philip)

Tags: The Crown, Netflix, Monarchy,

Name the actress who will play Margaret Thatcher in The Crown series four?

Gillian Anderson

Tags: The Crown, Netflix, Monarchy,

During series three, we see Prince Charles sent to Wales to learn Welsh. Name the Welsh castle where his 1969 investiture took place?

Caernarfon Castle, Wales

Tags: The Crown, Netflix, Monarchy,

In the first season of Stranger Things, one character became a viral sensation despite vanishing early on in the run. What was her name?


Tags: Stranger Things, Netflix,

In season 2, which former Lord of the Rings star joined the cast as Joyce Byers new love interest?

Sean Astin

Tags: Stranger Things, Netflix,

Stranger Things takes place in a fictional rural town called Hawkins - but what US state is it in?


Tags: Stranger Things, Netflix,

What are the first names of the Duffer brothers, who created the show?

Matt and Ross

Tags: Stranger Things, Netflix,

What game are the boys in Stranger Things frequently shown to enjoy playing - including at the very beginning of the show?

Dungeons and Dragons

Tags: Stranger Things, Netflix,

At the start of the second season, the boys go dressed up as characters from what popular film for Halloween?


Tags: Stranger Things, Netflix,

What is the name of Dustin's girlfriend whom he meets at Science Camp between seasons 2 and 3?


Tags: Stranger Things, Netflix,

What is the name of the ice cream parlour at which Steve works in season 3?

Scoops Ahoy!

Tags: Stranger Things, Netflix,

In season 1 what unusual item does Joyce use as a method of communication to try and get into contact with her son?

Christmas Lights

Tags: Stranger Things, Netflix,

What is the name of the private investigator played by Fleabag star Brett Gelman in seasons 2 and 3?

Murray Baumann

Tags: Stranger Things, Netflix,

What song by the Clash plays a prominent part in season 1?

Should I Stay or Should I Go

Tags: Stranger Things, Netflix,

In what year does Stranger Things begin?


Tags: Stranger Things, Netflix,

In Stranger things, what is the name of Lucas' younger sister?


Tags: Stranger Things, Netflix,

What foodstuff is Eleven a huge fan of - living off a stolen supply of them when she was stranded in the woods?

Eggo Waffles

Tags: Stranger Things, Netflix,

What is the name of the malevolent entity that possesses Will in season 2?

The Mind Flayer

Tags: Stranger Things, Netflix,